2022-2023 School of Graduate and Professional Studies Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2022-2023 School of Graduate and Professional Studies Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies and Resources

Grading Policies: Graduate and Professional Studies

Grading System

Letter grades and numerical point values are assigned as listed below:

Letter Grade Meaning Quality Points Per Credit
A Excellent 4.0
A‐   3.7
B+   3.3
B Passing 3.0
B‐ Minimally Passing 2.7
C+ Failure 2.3
C   2.0
C-   1.7
D+   1.3
D   1.0
D‐   0.7
F Failure 0.0
IF* Incomplete Failure 0.0
I Incomplete none
P Passing (B or higher) none
NR No Record (below passing) none
AU Audit none
ADW* Administrative Withdrawal none
ADI* Administrative Incomplete none
W* Withdrawal (from class) none
WD* Withdrew from School none

*see following for description

*ADW (Administrative Withdrawal): This grade is submitted when a student attended the course infrequently prior to the last date to withdraw, failed to comply with the required procedure for withdrawal, and did not attend at all subsequent to the last date to withdraw. This grade is noted on permanent record, but not calculated in grade point average.

*ADI (Administrative Incomplete): This grade is submitted only in extraordinary circumstances when the instructor of record did not or could not turn in grades. A grade of ADI will be converted to a letter grade by the instructor of record as soon as conditions permit. When extreme circumstances, such as the death of a faculty member, make it impossible for him or her to convert the ADI, the VPAA will make the conversion in consultation with the affected students and appropriate faculty.

*IF (Incomplete Failure): This grade is added to a student record if an incomplete is not finished by the deadline.  This grade is noted on the permanent record AND calculated in grade point average.

*W (Withdrawal): This grade is submitted when the student withdrew from class by the withdrawal deadline.

*WD (Withdrew from school): This grade is submitted for all outstanding classes when a student withdraws from school.

Final Grades

The decision of an instructor to award a grade is presumed to be final. Grades become a part of the student’s permanent record. Under ordinary circumstances, no one else within the College has the right to change an instructor’s grades.

A student who believes that they have been graded inaccurately or wrongly must immediately bring this to the attention of their instructor. Should disagreement with the instructor ensue, the student may appeal the grade to the Program Director. The student must present the appeal in writing. The Program Director will review the information, consult with relevant parties, and make a determination. A student’s advisor may serve as an advocate during this process. As a last resort, the student may appeal the decision to the Dean of the Academic Division or equivalent position.

Incomplete Grades

To request an Incomplete (“I”), the student must first approach their instructor. If the instructor agrees to grant the Incomplete, they must inform the Program Director of this decision. Please note that an Incomplete is given only in exceptional circumstances beyond the student’s control (e.g., illness, unexpected delay in receiving materials for which the student is not responsible, etc.). Incompletes will only be approved for students who have already completed at least 50% of the required coursework. A student has 30 calendar days from the last day of the term to complete any grade of Incomplete. Unless the instructor notifies the Registrar’s Office that another grade has been issued, grades of incomplete are automatically converted to grades of “IF” or “F”.

Students requiring an extension to complete the work in a course that has been graded Incomplete must submit a request to the Program Director. The Program Director will consult with the student’s instructor for additional information regarding the matter. This policy is also applicable to students not registered in the term following the Incomplete. Extensions will be granted only for extenuating circumstances. When the coursework for an Incomplete is submitted and the grade is changed, the new grade will be applied immediately to the student’s standing with regard to academic honors, warning, probation, etc.

Calculation of Grade Point Average

To compute a student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA), numerical values are assigned to each letter grade as indicated above. Grades of I, P, NR, AU, ADI, W, and WD are not used in grade point calculations. The sum of the grade points received is divided by the number of credits completed, resulting in the student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA).

Accessing Transcripts and Grades

Final grades and unofficial transcripts are available to students through the college’s MYNEC web services. Students are entitled to examine and make copies of any graded examinations and papers not handed back in class. Official transcripts may be ordered through the Registrar’s Office. Please visit their webpage here for instructions.

Course Registration and Withdrawals

Course Levels

Courses are generally numbered to assist with the appropriate level of student class:

  • First Year: 1000 level
  • Sophomore: 2000 level
  • Junior: 3000 level
  • Senior: 4000 level
  • Graduate (Master’s): 5000-6000 level
  • Graduate (Doctoral): 7000-8000 level

Please note that these are general guidelines to assist students with progression through their program. Students are encouraged to work with their faculty or academic advisor to determine appropriate courses each term.

Prerequisites and Repeated Courses

An instructor may waive a prerequisite if the student has demonstrable competence in areas embraced by the prerequisite.

Credit is not given a second time for a repeated course, unless the Academic Catalog and/or the official course schedule state that the course may be repeated for credit. When a course not repeatable for credit is repeated, all grades remain on the student’s permanent record, but only the highest grade is used in computation of the grade point average. Students may repeat a four‐credit NEC course with an equivalent three‐credit course taken at another institution. Only three credits of credit would be awarded in this case. Students who need to repeat courses no longer offered due to curricular changes may take an approved substitute if available. Substitutions must be approved by Program Director or equivalent position.

Pass/No Record Option

The Pass/No Record option is not permitted in the student’s graduate degree program except when permitted by the program. In the MFA degree programs, a “P” is only awarded for performance that would merit a “B” grade or better.

Auditing Courses

Students wishing to audit a course may do so by contacting the Registrar’s Office. Permission of the instructor is required. The workload and attendance policy in the course is to be determined by the instructor and should reflect expectations of both the instructor and the student. No credit is granted for an audited course. A grade of “AU” will not be entered on the student’s permanent record unless a student satisfactorily completes the attendance and workload requirements of the course. Students will be charged one‐half the current tuition rate for that course. All students will be charged any course‐related fees. After the end of the add/drop period, a student may not convert an audited course back to the letter grading system.

Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawal from Courses

Students must register for courses prior to the term start. Course adds will not be permitted past the Wednesday of the first week of the term.

Students may drop a course before the start of term without being recorded on the student’s transcript. The last day to drop a course is Sunday before term starts at 11:59 PM EST.

After the start of term, students who wish to withdraw from a course will receive a W grade on their transcript. The W will not affect GPA or academic standing. Students who wish to withdraw must contact either their Academic Advisor or the Registrar’s Office in writing before the deadline.

The last day to withdraw from courses is as follows:

  • 7-week terms: last day of the 5th week of classes (Sunday, 11:59 PM EST)
  • 12-week terms: last day of the 7th week of classes (Sunday, 11:59 PM EST)
  • 15-week terms: last day of the 9th week of classes (Sunday, 11:59 PM EST)

Exceptions to the policies above will only be considered in rare circumstances and require a petitioned approval of the Dean of the Academic Division or equivalent position at New England College. Students may begin the petition process by contacting their Academic Advisor or the Registrar’s Office. Petitions must be submitted within 30 days of the end of the term in question to be considered.

The refund policy for dropped and withdrawn courses is as follows:

Before 1st Day of Class 100%
1st week of class 80%
2nd week of class 50%
3rd week of class No Refund

Withdrawals and Leaves of Absence

A student who wishes to withdraw from the College during the academic year must notify Academic Advising or Student Services in writing.

Students are automatically granted a leave of absence for a period of one year if they are in good academic standing. All other students must apply for readmission should they wish to return to the College.

The normal limitation for a leave of absence from the College is one year. Students whose absence exceeds this limitation may be required to file for formal readmission to the College, in which case they would reenter under the major and graduation requirements in effect at the time of their readmission. Students who withdraw during a term may be required to apply for readmission before returning the following term.

Students on an approved leave of absence are considered withdrawn for financial aid purposes.  A withdrawal may cause a return to Title IV calculation and for loans to enter their repayment period.  Please refer to the Return of Federal Financial Aid (Title IV) policy and the College refund policy at https://www.nec.edu/admission/financial-aid/undergraduate-sfs/payment-plans/.

Academic Opportunities


The College recognizes the importance of integrating academics with learning experiences outside of the classroom. Internships can provide exposure to a career field, increase self‐confidence, help in the attainment of practical skills and provide contacts and references that will be helpful in gaining employment after graduation.

Internship sites can be arranged through a faculty member or the Office of Career and Life Planning. The Office of Career and Life Planning maintains up‐to‐date listings of internship sites and will work with students and faculty to find an appropriate site. Through a careful contracting and evaluation process, the College encourages reflection on career goals and their successful integration into the student’s education as part of the internship process.

Internships require careful planning. A faculty member can develop and maintain contact with an organization and refer students for internships, or a student can locate a site through networking, research and/or direct application, with the support of the Office of Career and Life Planning or New England College faculty. Internships are conducted according to a contract jointly developed by the student, faculty sponsor, and internship site supervisor. Completed internship contracts must be submitted to the appropriate department prior to the beginning of the internship.

Internships may be offered in all disciplines under the course numbers 4910, 5901, 5910, and 6910 under their appropriate subject code unless otherwise noted in the course catalog.

Directed Studies

A directed study is an academic tutorial course that allows a student to do an in‐depth study with a faculty member in an area of mutual interest. Students will meet weekly (face‐to‐face or online) with the faculty member.

Guidelines for Directed Study

  • The Program Director or Dean of the Academic Division reserves the right to deny requests for directed study option.
  • Directed Study courses may not duplicate courses scheduled within a 12 month period, unless approved.
  • Directed Study courses may not be for more than 4 (four) credits.
  • Students may present for graduation no more than a total of 12 (twelve) credits for Directed Study.

Eligibility and Registration

  • Directed Study courses MUST be approved by the Dean of the Academic Division Office prior to initiating contract.
  • Student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
  • Student must have no record of cheating or plagiarism in prior course work.
  • Student must have a faculty sponsor for the Directed Study.
  • Student must coordinate the completion of the Directed Study Contract form and obtain all necessary signatures.
  • The Directed Study Contract (complete with course syllabus and necessary signatures) must be submitted, in legible form, to the Registrar’s Office no later than the two weeks prior to the term start date.

Special Topics

Courses numbered 1990, 2990, 3990, 4990, 5990, 6990, 7990, and 8990 are special topics under their appropriate subject code unless otherwise noted in the course catalog. Special Topics courses are designed to explore a variety of topics within the discipline based on student or faculty interests.

Academic Expectations

Email Policy

New England College uses NEC e‐mail as a means for official communication with students. As these communications may be time sensitive, the college expects that such communications will be read in a timely fashion. The college expects that students check their NEC e‐mail at least once per business day while enrolled. The college will continue to use the NEC email system as a means of official communications during the Winter and Summer breaks. Students are expected to check their NEC email accounts during these breaks at least twice during the business week. Students who have their NEC e‐mail forwarded to a different email address bear the responsibility to ensure that important and time‐sensitive communications are not lost.

Expected Student Academic Work per Credit

Workload expectations in this policy are an estimate of the amount of work needed for an average student to earn an average grade. Course grades are based on the quality of the work submitted, not on hours of effort. Workload expectations per credit do not vary with the method of delivery of the course or the length of the academic term. One credit represents approximately 45 total hours of work over the course of a term, averaged over each week during the term, in order to complete the work of the course. New England College follows standard Student Hours which are derived from the Carnegie Unit.

As an example, a 4 credit hour course has an expectation of approximately 180 hours of work. To calculate this per week, divide 180 work hours by the number of weeks in the term.

  • 180 ÷ 7 Week course: 25 hours per week estimated
  • 180 ÷ 10 Week course: 18 hours per week estimated
  • 180 ÷ 12 Week course: 15 hours per week estimated
  • 180 ÷ 15 Week course: 12 hours per week estimated

Class Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend and participate in all dimensions of every course. A student’s grade in a course may include attendance as well as online participation, and these policies and grading procedures will be stated clearly, in writing, by the instructor in the course syllabus before the end of the add/drop period. Students are personally responsible for the material missed as a result of absence from class. Attendance policies may vary from instructor to instructor, and some courses may involve specified grade reductions for missed classes or missed online participation. It is the responsibility of each student to understand fully the attendance policies and procedures for every course in which the student is enrolled.

New England College respects student absences from classes due to religious observances. In such cases, students are expected to notify their instructors prior to the anticipated absence. Making up missed assignments is the student’s responsibility.

Exceptions to Academic Policy

Exceptions to the College’s academic policies may be requested only by petition, and must be approved by the Dean of the Academic Division or equivalent position.

Student Access and Accommodations

Telephone: 603.428.2302

New England College believes students with disabilities are valued as part of our campus diversity and strives to create usable, equitable, inclusive learning environments. Due to the design of a course or program, students may experience barriers to their full and meaningful participation. When this occurs, students should request accommodations through the Office of Student Access and Accommodations.

New England College is committed to ensuring equal access to all of its programs, services, and activities. To be eligible for accommodations, the student will need to provide the Office of Student Access and Accommodations with current appropriate documentation. Regardless of the disability, the Office of Student Access and Accommodations needs to be contacted, as it handles all requests for accommodations for students.

Each student will participate in the interactive process of determining what accommodations are reasonable. The Office of Student Access and Accommodations will then provide a letter of accommodation. This letter must be given to the appropriate faculty and staff before the accommodation(s) can be put in place. Testing documents must be received a minimum of one week before an accommodation can be provided. The accommodation process may take longer than one week if the Office of Student Access and Accommodations works with an outside agency.

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), also referred to as the “Buckley Amendment” was designed to protect the privacy of students’ educational records. In accordance with the provisions of the FERPA (Section 438 of the General Education Provisions Act, 20 USC 1232g), New England College has adopted regulations to protect the privacy rights of its students, including online/distance learners.

With few exceptions, New England College has a policy of not disclosing any directory information without student consent to anyone outside the College. While disclosure is permitted by FERPA, the College is under no obligation to provide information, and will do so only on a selective basis. Our intention is to act in the best interest of students regarding their education, well-being and safety.

Students’ fundamental rights under FERPA include:

  • The right to inspect and review their education records
  • The right to have some control over the disclosure of information from their education records
  • The right to request to amend inaccurate education records
  • The right to be notified on an annual basis of College policies regarding FERPA, and
  • The right to file complaints with the Department of Education regarding alleged failure of the College to comply with the act

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when they reach the age of 18 or attends an institution of higher learning. Records may be released to parents without a signed consent from the student or under certain exceptions. These include:

  1. Health or safety emergency;
  2. Where the student has been found in violation of the institutions code of conduct relating to the use of alcohol or a controlled substance if the student is under the age of 21;
  3. By submission of evidence that the parents declare the student as a dependent on their most recent Federal Income Tax form.

The release to parents of education records under any of these exceptions is a permissible release. Thus, under FERPA, an institution is not required to disclose information from the student’s education records to any parent of a dependent student. It may, however, exercise its discretion to do so.

The Office of Student Development will notify students of their FERPA rights upon entry to New England College and once a calendar year thereafter. Notifications will be sent to the student’s official College email address. In addition, the policy will be available on the College website. Printed copies of this statement are available upon request (accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope) to:

Office of Student Development
New England College
98 Bridge Street
Henniker, New Hampshire 03242

The full NEC FERPA policy may be found in the Student Handbook, accessible on the NEC website. Additional FERPA information can be found at http://www.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html