2019-2020 Graduate and Professional Studies Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2019-2020 Graduate and Professional Studies Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Changes made after publication are listed below.

9/6/2019: Course description for ED 8120 and HEA 8120 changed from

ED 8120: Building on previous coursework in educational policy, student learning and development, and organizational leadership, this course investigates the challenges of access, persistence, and completion from K-12 through postsecondary settings. Students from the K-12 and higher education administration concentrations will analyze collaboratively issues such as preparation and articulation.  Effective strategies for the promotion of access and retention will be explored. Both K-12 and higher education students take this course together. 4 credits

Changed to

ED 8120 Promoting Access, Retention and Achievement 
Building on previous coursework in educational policy, student learning and development, and organizational leadership, this course investigates the challenges of access, persistence, and completion in K-12 settings. Effective strategies for the promotion of access and retention will be explored. 4 credits 

HEA 8120 Promoting Access, Retention and Achievement 
Building on previous coursework in educational policy, student learning and development, and organizational leadership, this course investigates the challenges of access, persistence, and completion in postsecondary settings. Students.  Effective strategies for the promotion of access and retention will be explored. 4 credits

9/6/2019: Updated Transfer Credit Policies (Archived Transfer Credit Policy )

9/25/2019: Updated the following courses from 1 credit to 2 credits. Error in catalog.

  • MFP 791, 792, 793 Elective I, II, III
  • MFV 891, 892, 893 Elective I, II, III
  • MFW 691, 692, 693 Elective I, II, III

Updated the following course from 2 credits to 3 credits. Error in catalog.

  • MFS 904 Story/Script Development

Updated the following programs to 60 credits required. Error in catalog.

  • Photography, MFA
  • Visual Arts, MFA
  • Writing for Stage and Screen, MFA
  • Writing, MFA

Added course MFS 926 Thesis Research and Writing and added as required course for Writing for Stage and Screen, MFA. Error in catalog.

10/3/2019: Changed course titles and descriptions of DM 5020 and DM 6030; Changes course description only for DM 5010

  • Former Course Number and Title: DM 5020 Branding Using Social Media 

Former Course Description: Today’s digital marketers are tasked with designing campaigns that speak to multiple audience segments, inspiring them into action, and measuring the results to make data-fueled decisions.  In this course students will examine the tools and strategies addressing the social component of digital marketing.  Students will examine the differences between organic and paid approaches through various social tools.  The purpose of this course is to help students develop and execute a social media plan through various tools including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Snapchat.  Additional topics and tools explored include: Hootsuite, Buffer, and SQL.

  • Former Course Number and Title: DM 6030 Marketing Immersion 

Former Course Description 

Through a fast paced, immersive environment, this course will prepare students from planning to execution.  The purpose of this course is to take critical digital marketing skills and apply them in a project based environment partnership with an innovative company. Students will collaborate to develop and execute a final digital marketing project that will integrate growth marketing, a social media plan to address personas, analytics, and cultivate a growth mindset and customer-centric implementation strategies. 

  • Former Course Description for DM 5010: Today’s digital marketers are tasked with designing campaigns that speak to multiple audience segments, inspiring them into action, and measuring the results to make data-fueled decisions.  Marketers in the innovation industry are scrappy, creative, and agile.  Students will examine changes in modern marketing, review marketing personas and plans, and key objectives on content and the analytical side of marketing.  This course will allow students to develop students’ working knowledge design for conversion including SEO, Email & Chat Marketing, along with the marketing funnel, targeting lead generation, and content strategies.  Additional topics will address (but not limited to) blogging, and the use of multiple platform tools including: Wordpress, Google Analytics, and Hubspot.

10/22/2019: Error in ED/HEA 8150 Comprehensive Project course credits. Credits for course is 2 credits (changed from 4). 

  • Change to Higher Education Administration, Ed.D to 60 credits (error was 62 credits)
  • Change to K-12 Leadership, Ed.D to 60 credits (error was 62 credits)

11/20/2019: Change course title and description for PW 5500 (effective Spring 1 2020)

  • Former course title: PW 5500 The New Media

Former Description: This course will introduce students to critical concepts and practical skills related to writing for those new media that have developed out of the use of digital computers, such as writing for the internet (online publications, blogs, email, chat, social networks, text messaging, etc.) and computer games. Image manipulation, software developments, desktop publishing tools, and instructional design concepts will also be covered in relation to actual professional writing tasks and opportunities.

12/23/2019: Course description change for ED 5010 (effective Spring 1 2020)

  • Former Description: This course provides the student with an opportunity to acquire knowledge of and demonstrate competence in a variety of curricula in K-12 schools and plan, deliver, and evaluate instruction across the curriculum. There will be an emphasis on the Common Core and other content specific standards and how they become the driving force for lesson planning and assessment. The Understanding By Design model will be used to guide students in developing lessons that can be taught with small groups of learners, in this case in a special education setting. The curriculum in all content areas will be discussed and the integration of curriculum to enhance student learning and authentic forms of assessment will be a focus.


  • New Description: This course provides the student with an opportunity to acquire knowledge of and demonstrate competence in a variety of curricula in K-12 schools and design, plan, deliver, and evaluate student learning across the curriculum. There will be an emphasis on content specific standards and learning competencies and how they become the driving force for lesson planning and assessment. The Understanding By Design model will be used to guide students in developing lessons that can be taught with small and large groups of learners. The curriculum in all content areas will be discussed and the integration of curriculum to enhance student learning and authentic forms of assessment will be a focus.

1/30/2020: New Program added, Data Analytics, M.S. Executive

  • New courses added to support new program

2/5/2020: Course number ED 5453 Tricks of the Trade: Using Digital Tools to Enhance the English Curriculum updated number to ED 5463 (error in catalog).

2/28/2020: Updated MS CIS and concentrations under MS CIS with new program learning outcomes. Former outcomes:

  • Apply communication, teamwork, and leadership skills to translate technical information that will help align computer information systems and tools with organizational goals.
  • Analyze technical aspects of IT projects and apply project management strategies to meet business needs and organizational goals.
  • Apply IT methods and tools to the development of applications and administration of computing systems, as well as to the adoption of new technologies in the organization.
  • Identify information tools and technologies that have strategic value for the organization, and manage the implementation of those technologies.

New outcomes found in current program  pages.

2/28/2020: Updated course description to HSEP 6350. Former description: HSEP 6350 . New Description: HSEP 6350  .

3/4/2020: Addition of new MFA, Creative Writing track in Writing for Stage and Screen. Creative Writing, Writing for Stage and Screen Track, M.F.A.  .

3/19/2020: Updated name of program: Formerly Data Anaytics and Business Statistics, M.S. changed to Applied Data Analytics, M.S. No change to curriculum.

3/20/2020: Added Certification Tracks to the Ed.D. K-12 Leadership program.

3/23/2020: Updated Course Title of HSEP 6350  , effective Spring 2 2020.

6/19/2020: Change title of program: Art Education, M.A.T. changed to Teaching: Art Education, M.A.


  • Incorrect course description removed and correct course description added for COUN 6910 Crisis and Trauma Counseling. Error in catalog.