New England College Board of Trustees
Lex Scourby ‘75, MBA
Chair, Board of Trustees
Consultant, Chicken of the Sea Frozen Foods
New Hampshire
Stephen A. Geremia ‘85
Co-Vice Chair, Board of Trustees
Managing Member, Ashwood Advisors, LLC
TJ Whitelaw ‘76, MBA
Co-Vice Chair, Board of Trustees
Independent Management Consultant
New Hampshire
Edmund “Ned” C. Beebe, Jr., BA
Retired Manufacturer and Real Estate Broker
New Hampshire
Mary V. Bell, BA
New York
Christopher Brazill ‘81, MBA
Vice President for Marketing and Sales
Brazill Brothers and Associates, Inc.
New Jersey
Thomas W. Farmen ‘74, MSA
Headmaster Emeritus,
The Rumsey School, Washington, CT
New Hampshire
Elbridge T. Gerry, III, BA
UBS Global Asset Manager
Adam B. Kapner, BA ‘02
Founder and Owner
NYC Apartment Management, Inc.
New York
Stephen Ketchum ‘83, MBA
CEO and Managing Partner
Sound Point Capital Management
New York
Daniel G. Lynch ‘85
Senior VP and Director of Business Development
in the Institutional and Fiduciary Services Group
Natixis Global Asset Management
John Maguire, PhD
Founder and Chair Emeritus
Maguire Associates, Inc.
Michele D. Perkins, EdD
New England College
Scott Simpson, March
Senior Principal, The Greenway Group
Mary Simon Streep ‘77
President, Mary Streep Interiors
Michael K. Thomas, EdD, MBA
President and CEO
New England Board of Higher Education
Jeffrey K. Towle
President, Davis & Towle Group, Inc.
New Hampshire
Astrid Williams ‘81, MBA
Clinical Office Coordinator
Emerson Hospital
William W. Wyman, MBA
Co-founder, Oliver, Wyman & Company
New Hampshire
Trustees Emeriti
D. Joseph Clement
Henniker, New Hampshire
Helen P. Closson
Manchester, New Hampshire
Piers M. MacDonald ‘74
Bedford, New York
B. Jenkins Middleton
Bethesda, Maryland
Deborah S. Reed ‘60
Falmouth, Maine
John A, Samenfeld ‘70
Hooksett, New Hampshire
R. Peter Shapiro, Esq.
Dedham, Massachusetts
Barbara Sherwin, MD
Washington, DC
Walter F. Sheble, Esq.
Washington, DC
Charlotte Zahn
Bath, Maine
Senior Administration
Michele D. Perkins, EdD
Paula A. Amato, DLP, CMA
Senior Vice President and CFO
Thomas Horgan, EdD, ‘14
Senior Advisor to the President
Lou Izzi, Jr., MSA
Director of Athletics
Sherry Kollmann, PhD
Associate Vice President of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies
Wayne Lesperance, Jr., DLP
Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs
Marie Muhvic, MS
Vice President for Advancement
James Murtha, PhD
Senior Vice President for Academic Alliances
Michael Taberski, MS
Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Carol Thomas, MA
Vice President of Technology and Marketing Communications
Office of the President
Michele D. Perkins, Ed.D.
Professor of Theatre
BSS, Northwestern University
MA, Emerson College
EdD, University of Pennsylvania
Betsy Medvetz, ‘15
Assistant to the President and
Secretary to the Board of Trustees
BA New England College
Thomas Horgan, EdD, ‘14
Senior Advisor to the President
James Murtha, PhD
Senior Vice President for Academic Alliances
Office of Advancement
Marie Muhvic
Vice President of Advancement
BS, University of Wisconsin
MS, University of Tennessee
Christopher Bogle
Director of Marketing
MBA, Alverine University
Erin DesMarais
Director of Advancement Services
Gregory Palmer
Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations
BS, Emerson College
Lou Izzi, Jr.
Director of Athletics
BA, Providence College
MSA, Canislus College
Office of Finance and Administration
Paula A. Amato, DLP, CMA
Senior Vice President and CFO
BS, New Hampshire College
MBA, Plymouth State University
DLP, Northeastern University
Kristen Blase
Director of Student Financial Services
BA, MBA, New England College ‘18
Daniel R. Gearan
Assistant Vice President of Capital and Facilities Management
BS, University of Southern Maine
Eric Knox
Assistant Vice President of Finance and Administration
BA, Central Connecticut State University
MA, Framingham State College
Sharon Williamson, MBA
Events Coordinator
BS, University of Vermont
MEd, Wheeling Jesuit University
Pathways‐ Academic Success Services
Erin Brooks
Director of Mentoring
BA, MS New England College
Megan Beeso
Director of Tutoring
BS, Fitchburg State University
MS, New England College
Ian M. Harmon
Associate Director of Academic Advising
BS, Saint Joseph’s College
MBA, MSHE, Kaplan University
School of Graduate and Professional Studies
Sherry Kollmann, PhD
Vice President of Graduate and Professional Studies
BA, Bethel University
MA, Concordia University
MEd, PhD, University of Oklahoma
John Callahan
Program Director, International Studies & Homeland Security (Military).M.A. in Public Policy
BA, MA, PhD, Old Dominion University
Paul L. Dann,
Program Director, Human Services/Clinical Mental Health Counseling
BS, Northwestern University
MA, PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Gavin W. Henning
Program Director EdD and MS Higher Education Administration Programs
Associate Professor of Higher Education
BS, MA, Michigan State University
MA, PhD, University of New Hampshire
Katrina Kerr
Program Director, Management and Accounting Programs
BS, MS Southern New Hampshire University
CAGS, DSL, Regent University
Jennifer Militello
Program Director, Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing
BA, The University of New Hampshire
MFA, The University of North Carolina, Greensboro
PhD, Bath Spa University
Richard Mitchell
Program Director, Computer Information Systems
Debra Nitschke‐Shaw
Professor of Education
Program Director, Med and CAGS Programs
BA, New England College
MEd, Keene State College
MA, PhD, The Fielding Institute
Sharon Sabol
Associate Dean of Online Education and Learning Science
MA, Assumption College
CAGS, Plymouth State University
EdD, Capella University
Maria Siano
Program Director, Master of Professional Writing
BS, Fairleigh Dickinson University
BA, William Paterson University
PhD, Rutgers University
Office of Student Development
Michael Taberski
Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Director, NEC Concord Center
BS, Niagara University
MS, Oklahoma State University
Jason Buck
Associate Dean of Students
Director of International Programs
BA, Clark University
MA, Bowling Green State University
Laura Anderson
Director of Wellness Center
BS, MS, Rivier College
Allie Birchmeier
Director of First-Year Program
BA, Providence College
MS, Colorado State University
Gene Durkee
Director of Career and Life Planning
BA, Rutgers University
MTS, Boston University School of Theology
Stanley Horton
Director of Student Conduct
BA, Sienna College
MA, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Megan L. Hotaling
Director of Student Engagement
BS, State University of New York College at Oneonta
MA, University of Connecticut
Robyn Hudson
Director of Disability Services
BS,MSW, Radford University
PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Scott Lane
Director of Campus Safety
BA, MPA, University of New Hampshire
Doreen Long
Director of Residential Life and Housing
BA, Valparaiso University
MEd, Northeastern University
Julie Nicknair-Keon
Lead Counselor
BA, New England College
MA, Fairfield University
Office of Technology and Marketing Communications
Carol Thomas
Vice President of Technology and Marketing Communications
MA , New School University
Bradley F. Poznanski
Vice President for Enrollment
BS, Springfield College
MS, Rivier University
Eric Sawyer
Director of Technology Services
BBA, Southern New Hampshire University
Office of Vice President of Academic Affairs
Wayne F. Lesperance, Jr.
Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs
Professor of Political Science
Program Director, M.A. in Public Policy
BS, MA, Old Dominion University
DLP, Northeastern University
Elizabeth Dowling
BA, MS University of Rhode Island
Frank Hall
Institutional Researcher
BS, MS, Colorado State University
Chelsea Hanrahan
Library Director/Associate Professor
BA, University of New Hampshire
MLS, Indiana University
Nelly Lejter
Dean of Accreditation and Academic Effectiveness
Sociologist, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Associate Professor of Organizational Management
MA, Brown University
PhD, Brown University
Lauren Lynch
Institutional Research Analyst
BA, MA, University of New Hampshire
Barbara Abbott
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
BA, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
JD, Franklin Pierce Law Center
Mary Ellen Alger
Professor of Kinesiology
BS, Ithaca College
MS, New England College
Jay Bordage
Assistant Professor of Art
BA, Oberlin College
BFA, Massachusetts College of Art and Design
MFA, School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University
Frances Chelland
Professor of Humanities
Associate Dean of Liberal Arts Education
BA, East Stroudsburg State University
MTS, Harvard Divinity School
MA, Boston College
Carrie Colbert
Assistant Professor of Business
BS, MBA, California State University, Los Angeles
DM, University of Maryland
Kris Conmy
Visiting Professor of Math
Geoffrey Cook
Visiting Professor of Biology
Patricia Corbett
Associate Dean of Education
BA, St. Anselm College
Med, University of New England
EdD, Northeastern University
Nicole Decoteau
Visiting Assistant Professor of EAL
Language Program Director
BA, University of New Hampshire
MA, St. Michael’s College
Joseph DeLuca
Professor of Business
BS, Bentley College
MS, in Education Suffolk University
MBA, Babson College
Albena Dimitrova
Visiting Professor of Game and Digital Media Design
MS, TU-Varna
BSIS, Mississippi State University
MA, Suffolk University
MBA, Daniel Webster College
Debra A. Dunlop
Professor of Biology and Health Science
Associate Dean of Natural & Social Sciences Division
BA, New England College
MS, Ph.D., University of New Hampshire
Carlton Fitzgerald
Visiting Associate Professor of Education
BA, Bates College
MEd, University of Maine
CAGS, University of Maine
EdD, University of Vermont
Kaitlyn Forristal
Visiting Professor in the Practice of Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Darryl Furtkamp
Associate Professor of Art
Art Gallery Director
Director of the Honors Program
BFA, McKendree College
MFA, University of Idaho
Sarah Gunnery
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Chelsea Hanrahan
Library Director/Associate Professor
BA, University of New Hampshire
MLS, Indiana University
Elizabeth Harper
Associate Professor of Environmental Science
BA, Middlebury College
PhD, University of Missouri - Columbia
Gavin W. Henning
Professor of Higher Education
Director, Doctorate in Education
Director, MS in Higher Education
Administration Program
BS, MA, Michigan State University
MA, PhD, University of New Hampshire
William Homestead
Associate Professor of Communication Studies
BA, Rutgers University
MA, MS, University of Montana, Missoula
MFA, Goddard College
Sachiko Ito Howard
Senior Professor of Humanities
BA, Radcliffe College
PhD, University of New Hampshire
Richard Hubbard
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
BA, Plymouth State University
JD, George Mason University
Philip Cate Huckins
Professor of Education
BA, Boston College
MATS, Episcopal Divinity School
MEd, Cambridge College
MAT, PhD, Boston College
Ali Reza Jalili
Professor of Business
BS, NIOC Tehran
MBA, James Madison University
MA, PhD, University of New Hampshire
Frank Jones
Assistant Professor of the Practice of Criminal Justice
BA, Hawthore College
MS, University of Massachusetts - Lowell
Lori Koziol
Professor of Biology and Health Science
BA, Ripon College
PhD, University of Rochester
Nelly Lejter
Dean of Accreditation & Academic Effectiveness
Sociologist, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Associate Professor of Organizational Management
MA, PhD Brown University
Wayne F. Lesperance, Jr.
Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs
Professor of Political Science
BS, MA, Old Dominion University
DLP, Northeastern University
John W. Lyons
Senior Professor of Business
BA, MS, SUNY Albany
Maura MacNeil
Professor of Writing
Program Director, M.A. in Professional Writing
BA, New England College
MFA, Vermont College
Cynthia Burns Martin
Professor of Business
AB, Smith College
MBA, Boston University
Inez McDermott
Director of Project Pericles
Professor of Art History
BA, University of Massachusetts‐Lowell
MA, Boston University
Don W. Melander
Senior Professor of English
BA, Northern Illinois University
MA, PhD, Syracuse University
Mark Mitch
Associate Professor of Environmental Science
BA, Hiram College
MEn, Miami University
Andrew Morgan
Associate Professor of Writing
Administrative Coordinator, Master of Fine Arts in Poetry
BA, Plymouth State College
MFA, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Jessica Morris
Assistant Professor of Education
BA, Med, New England College
EdD Northeastern University
Susan M. Murray
Associate Professor of Sport and Recreation Management
BS, Keene State College
JD, Western New England College School of Law
Cindi A. Nadelman
Professor of Business Administration
Director of Veterans’ Services
BS, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
BS, University of Tampa
MPA, Georgia College
MBA, DBA North Central University
James Newcomb
Professor of Biology and Health Science
BS, Keene State College
BS, MS, University of New Hampshire
PhD, Georgia State University
Debra Nitschke‐Shaw
Senior Professor of Education
Associate Dean of Education Division
Director of Teacher Certification Program and Field Placement
BS, New England College
MEd, Keene State College
MA, PhD, The Fielding Institute
John O’Connor
Senior Professor of Business
AB, Dartmouth College
MBA, Rice University
Christine Oskar-Poisson
Assistant Professor of Education
BA, MAT University of New Hampshire
EdD, New England College
Megan Osterbur
Assistant Professor of Political Science
BA, University of Illinois
MA, PhD University of New Orleans
Bryan Partridge
Professor of Writing
BA, The College of Wooster
MA, Dartmouth College
PhD, Union University
S. Alexandra Picard
Associate Professor of Theatre
BA, Education, New England College
MFA, Theatre, University of Illinois, Urbana‐Champaign
David Pollak
Visiting Professor of Computer Information Systems
William Preble
Professor of Education
BA, New England College
MEd, University of Washington
EdD, University of Maine
Tod F. Ramseyer
Assistant Professor of Mathematics‐Physics
BA, Haverford College
MA, Ph.D., University of Texas
Russell Rattray
Assoc. Library Director for Acquisitions and Technical Services/Associate Professor
BA, University of Maine
MLIS, University of Rhode Island
Mark Rowland
Distance Services/ Instruction Librarian/ Assistant Professor
BA, Pennsylvania State University
MLIS, McGill University
Eric J. Simon
Professor of Biology
BA, MA, Wesleyan University
PhD, Harvard University
Glenn M. Stuart
Professor of Theatre
BA, St. Michael’s College
MA, State University of New York
Raelyn Viti
Associate Professor of Outdoor Education
BS, Plymouth State College
MEd, Lesley University
PhD, Walden University
James L. Walsh
Professor of History
Associate Dean of Arts & Humanities Division
BS, Florida Southern College
MA, PhD, University of New Hampshire
Alex Walsh
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Kittie Weber
Associate Professor of Psychology
BS, Northern Michigan University
PhD, The Union Institute
Erin Wilkinson-Hartung
Associate Dean of Management
BA, University of San Diego
MBA, US International University
DBA, Alliant International University
Matt Young
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
BA, Western Connecticut State University
MS, PhD, University of New Hampshire
Faculty Emeriti
Edith B. Allison
Associate Professor Emerita of Biology
BA, Swarthmore College
MA, University of Illinois
Donald G. Blanchard
Professor Emeritus of Engineering
BS, University of New Hampshire
ME, University of California
Sylva Boyadjian-Haddad
Professor Emeritus, English and Comparative Literature
BA, American University of Beirut
MA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Thea G. Braiterman
Professor Emerita of Economics and Business
BS, The Johns Hopkins University
MA, University of Maryland
PhD, Union Graduate School
Mira P. Braunstein
Associate Professor Emerita of Psychology
AB, MA, University of Zagreb
Joseph D. Considine
Professor Emeritus, Library IV
BA, University of New Hampshire
MLS, University of Rhode Island
Christopher Dale
Professor Emeritus, Sociology
BA, University of Vermont
MA, Ph.D., University of Kentucky
Robert D. Elinor
Professor Emeritus of Humanities
BA, U. of California, Los Angeles
BD, Union Theological Seminary
PhD, University of Edinburgh
R. Bruce Elliott
Professor Emeritus of Accounting
BSBA, MBA, University of Denver
Mary Jo Faulkner
Associate Professor Emerita of Physical Education
BS, EdM, Boston University
George L. Fearnley, Jr.
Professor Emeritus of Business
BS, University of Massachusetts
MBA, Cornell University
Lyman G. Gilmore
Professor Emeritus of Education
BA, Middlebury College
MA, University of Bridgeport
EdD, Boston University
Farid Haddad
Professor Emeritus, Art
BA, American University of Beirut
MFA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Kevin Harvey
Professor Emeritus, English and Creative Writing
BA, Worcester State College
MFA, Norwich University
Brian Hopkins
Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science
BSc, University of Manchester
PhD, University of London
Fellow, Linnean Society of London
Fellow, Science Association of Nigeria
Richard Hudson
Professor Emeritus of Humanities
AB, Syracuse University
BD, STM, Yale University
PhD, Syracuse University
Judy Jones
Professor Emerita of Communication
BS, MA, Eastern Illinois University
PhD, University of Illinois
Rimas Kalvaitis
Professor Emeritus of Business
BS, Drexel University
MS, California State University
MS, University of Southern California
Neal M. Kurk
Professor Emeritus of Business
AB, Brown University
LLB, Harvard University Law School
John Lyons
Professor Emeritus, Business
BA, MS, SUNY Albany
Thomas P. McGrevey
Professor Emeritus, Business
BS, University of New Hampshire
MBA, New Hampshire College
Ian W. Morrison
Associate Professor Emeritus of History
BA, Knox College
MA, University of Chicago
C Phil, University of California, Los Angeles
W. Clapham Murray
Professor Emeritus of Theatre Arts
BA, Wesleyan University
MA, Emerson College
Henry B. Nichols, Jr.
Associate Professor Emeritus of Communication
BA, University of New Hampshire
F. Van Pattee
Associate Professor Emeritus of Economics
BS, Youngstown State University
MBA, Western Reserve University
Charles R. Puglia
Professor Emeritus of Biology
BA, Elmhurst College
MS, Ph.D., University of Illinois
John C. de V. Roberts
Professor Emeritus of International Studies
BA, MA, PGCE, University of London
Fellow, Royal Society of Arts
Angela Robinson
Associate Professor Emerita of Music
MS, State University of New York SUNY Albany
MA, University of New Hampshire
John J. Santos
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
BS, Lowell Technological Institute
MS, Ph.D., University of New Hampshire
Jolene Schillinger
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
BA, University of Maine
MEd, Antioch/New England
PhD, The Union Institute
Robert B. Seaman
Associate Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science
BSCE, New England College
MRP, Cornell University
Marvin Seperson
Professor Emeritus of Humanities
BS, MS, University of Kansas
EdD, Columbia University
Laurence I. Taylor
Professor Emeritus, Psychology
BA, Cornell University
MS, PhD, Rutgers University
Katherine A. Van Weelden
Professor Emeritus, Library
AB, Dartmouth College
MLS, State University of New York (SUNY) - Albany
Michael S. Wireman
Associate Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Anthropology
BA, MA, University of Chicago
Marilyn Ziffrin
Associate Professor Emerita of Music
BM, University of Wisconsin
MA, Columbia University
Honorary Faculty
Yigal Ne’eman
President, The Israel College
Tel Aviv, Israel
Evelyn Goodenough Pitcher
Professor Emerita, Tufts University
Henniker, New Hampshire
Sr. Helen Prejean, C.S.J.
Author, Dead Man Walking
Carol Rosenbleeth
President, Ronald J. Rosenbleeth, Inc.
Henniker, New Hampshire
A complete list of staff is available on the NEC directory.