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Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog Program: Health Science, BS

Health Science, BS

  • Description and Learning Outcomes 
  • Health Science Suggested Course Sequence 


Core Requirements

Grades of C‐or better are required in all courses needed for the Health Science major, including chemistry and mathematics.

Course NameCredits:Satisfying CourseEarnedTerm/CollegeGrade
BI 1020 - Foundations of Nutrition Credits: 4
BI 1110 - General Biology I Credits: 4
BI 1120 - General Biology II

Prerequisites: BI 1110 

Credits: 4
BI 2030 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I

Prerequisites: Must have a C- or better in  BI 1110 and BI 1120 or BI 1011 .

Credits: 4
BI 2040 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Prerequisites: C- or better in  BI 1110 and BI 1120 

Credits: 4
BI 3000 - Careers in Science Credits: 2
BI 3210 - Microbiology

Prerequisites: BI 1110 and BI 1120 or NU 1150  

Credits: 4
BI 4030 - Research Thesis

Prerequisites: Junior standing or instructor permission.

Credits: 2 to 4

(4 credits required, normally taken over 2 terms. )

CH 2110 - General Chemistry I

Prerequisites: MT 1600 .

Credits: 4
CH 2120 - General Chemistry II

Prerequisites: CH 2110.

Credits: 4
KI 2010 - First Aid/CPR/AED Credits: 1
MT 1600 - Algebra and Trigonometry

Prerequisite: MT 1100 

Credits: 4
MT 2310 - Statistics

Prerequisites: C‐ or better in MT 1100.

Credits: 4
PH 2210 - General Physics I

Prerequisites: MT 1600 .

Credits: 4

Required Electives

Students take 3 courses (for a total of 12 credits) from the lists below that support their choice of pre-professional track. Completion of the listed electives may be required for some graduate schools. Students interested in pursuing a graduate degree are encouraged to meet with their advisor to discuss the appropriate course selections.

Recommended Track for Pre‐Master’s in Physician Assistant Studies

Course NameCredits:Satisfying CourseEarnedTerm/CollegeGrade
BI 3030 - Genetics

Prerequisites: BI 1111 ‐BI 1114 or BI 1110 and  BI 1120 

Credits: 4
CH 3310 - Organic Chemistry I

Prerequisites: CH 2120.

Credits: 4
CH 3330 - Biochemistry

Prerequisites: CH 3310.

Credits: 4
PS 1110 - Introduction to Psychology Credits: 4

Recommended Track for Pre‐Doctorate in Pharmacy

Course NameCredits:Satisfying CourseEarnedTerm/CollegeGrade
CH 3310 - Organic Chemistry I

Prerequisites: CH 2120.

Credits: 4
CH 3320 - Organic Chemistry II

Prerequisites: CH 3310 

Credits: 4
MT 2510 - Calculus I

Prerequisites: C‐ or better in MT 1600 

Credits: 4
PS 1110 - Introduction to Psychology Credits: 4
SO 1110 - Introduction to Sociology Credits: 4

Recommended Track for Pre-DPT (Doctorate in Physical Therapy)

Course NameCredits:Satisfying CourseEarnedTerm/CollegeGrade
KI 1110 - Introduction to Kinesiology Credits: 4
KI 3180 - Biomechanics

Prerequisites: BI 2030.

Credits: 4
KI 4410 - Exercise Physiology

Prerequisites: BI 2030, Minimum of 60 credits earned.

Credits: 4
PH 2220 - General Physics II

Prerequisites: PH 2210.

Credits: 4
PS 1110 - Introduction to Psychology Credits: 4

Recommended Track for Pre‐Med, Pre‐Dental, or Pre‐Vet

Course NameCredits:Satisfying CourseEarnedTerm/CollegeGrade
CH 3310 - Organic Chemistry I

Prerequisites: CH 2120.

Credits: 4
CH 3320 - Organic Chemistry II

Prerequisites: CH 3310 

Credits: 4
CH 3330 - Biochemistry

Prerequisites: CH 3310.

Credits: 4
MT 2510 - Calculus I

Prerequisites: C‐ or better in MT 1600 

Credits: 4
PH 2220 - General Physics II

Prerequisites: PH 2210.

Credits: 4

Recommended Track for Pre‐Nursing

Course NameCredits:Satisfying CourseEarnedTerm/CollegeGrade
PS 2160 - Life-Span Development Credits: 4
  • Biology electives Credits: 8
  • Liberal Arts & Sciences Core Curriculum, Bachelor’s Degree

    Course NameCredits:Satisfying CourseEarnedTerm/CollegeGrade
    LAS 1000 - First-Year Seminar Credits: 2
    WR 1010 - Composition or approved LAS Writing course.

    Prerequisite: Students must earn a grade of C- or better to fulfill the college writing requirement.

    Credits: 4
    MT 1100 - Quantitative Reasoning (MT courses numbered higher than 1100 are acceptable)

    Must be taken with corresponding lab, MT 1100L

    Credits: 4
    LAS 1 (LAS 1110) - The Natural Environment - Understanding Our Place in the Natural World Credits: 4
    LAS 2 (LAS 1120) - The Civic Environment - Democratic Values Credits: 4
    LAS 3 (LAS 2110) - Creative Arts Credits: 4
    LAS 4 (LAS 2120) - Social Sciences Credits: 4
    LAS 5 (LAS 2130) - Natural and Biological Sciences Credits: 4
    LAS 6 (LAS 2140) - Humanities Credits: 4
    LAS 7 (LAS 3110) - Global Perspectives

    Prerequisites: LAS 5

    Credits: 4
  • LAS Elective Credits: 4 (One additional course that meets any LAS requirement or combination of two 2-credit approved electives.)
  • Electives

    Select additional electives to reach 120 credits for a Bachelor’s degree. 
